Brushes and Brush Strokes

When I started painting, there was no Internet.   Everything I learned was by trial and error or from an occasional book I came across.  I had not a clue what size brush was used for what task or what shape brush was used to create a specific stroke.  It even took quite a while before I came across some of the sizes and shapes I use today. Supplies were not readily available.  There was no JoAnn’s or Michael’s and neither was there a Walmart.  This was the time when downtowns throve with privately owned shops.  The shoe store, drug store, clothing stores, restaurants, bakery, everything was not a chain but personally owned by one of the town’s inhabitants.  It usually passed from parent to child on down through the years.  So shopping was a challenge when you wanted something specific.  No Amazon to fall back on and mail order.   All we had was a small school supply store with a tiny little section of art supplies. Once in a blue moon, we went shopping to the next town which was much larger than the one I was from.  They had a small art supply store there which was a real treat.  In the meantime,  I learned to be creative and make do.

So, I wanted  to share with you some of the fantastic things I have found on the internet which have made my life so much easier giving me  quick references and quick answers.  They are printed out and on my crafting table in direct view.   I love, love, love the Internet. 


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