Living in the Middle of a Salt Marsh


If you lived here, would you forget to take a walk?  Well, I did. 

spanish moss, salt marsh, trees

Do not forget to move that body.  Yup, getting so engrossed in painting, making valentines, a bunch of other projects going, plus all the regular housework stuff, I forget to take Little Dog and I out for a walk.  Totally forgot to go enjoy life and keep myself healthy.  It was not until looking back at some pictures from a previous walks that I realized it has been quite some time since we had a jaunt.   Have to rectify this situation immediately,  

Taking walks is really a pleasurable time, especially living in the middle of a salt marsh. The wildlife is fantastic.  We have lots of vultures.  You might think gross but I think how interesting. wildlife, nature, bird, marsh Love to watch them.  Very unusual creatures.  We have birds from palliated woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, king fishers, painted buntings, cardinals, humming birds and on and on.  Not to forget  water foul including egrets and an occasional heron that will peak its head out. Really need to get out and try to get some good pictures of them.   Early morning or evening is the best, time when they are out foraging.  Being that it is spring, they are quite active.  Once the heat sets in they lay low.

Each bird mentioned is linked to The Cornell Lab of Ornithology a site which is jammed packed with all sorts of information regarding every bird imaginable.  Sorry, I got side tracked reading and listening to all the bird calls they have available and my blog is up later than usual.  A lot of fun over there.   You want to get freaked out?  Just listen to what the vultures have to say.  Creepy puts it mildly.

The scenery is gorgeous as well.  Palm trees, oak trees, spanish moss.  Just be careful because there are some ugly things out there, too.  For instance, my nemesis the scorpion.  Have to say this is the only good scorpion I ever saw because it was dead.  Mooshed by a car.  Poor little bugger..  I’m find till these get in the house.  Have spent a lot of time training myself not to freak and fall apart when I saw one.  Now I can grab the nearest heaviest largest object and smash the daylights out of it.  The snake population leaves a lot to be desired.  We have poisonous ones but they don’t usually bother you.  If they come out and cross the road, well they go the way of the scorpion….squished.  He is a corn snake not the poisonous coral snake.  The black touches red so all is well.  I looked it up to make sure. Not the first one of these I’ve found squished over the past 20 years. There are plenty of other water snakes which are poisonous and gators out there somewhere.   I do not focus on that.

So, enough with the nasties.  The landscape more than makes up for such unpleasantries.  The scenery is incredibly beautiful.  There are sections you walk through with the houses that are quite normal as any neighborhood.  Then you get along the sections of the road  by the water.  Stunning and eerie at the same time with all the grasses, dead trees stripped of their leaves and bark just bare wood, Spanish moss hanging from live trees, shrubbery everywhere and the long distances it stretches with the river running through.  Standing quietly listen for all the sounds of nature singing.  Depending upon what time of day it is will determine what you hear.  The early morning or evening is the best for bird activity.  When the summer heat is on at midday, you hear the cicadas droning away nonstop.  If it’s the evening, you will hear peepers and bull frogs, especially after a rain they are so loud you can not hear yourself think.   Engulfed by the beauty of Mother Nature.nature, walking, swamp, salt marsh, exercise, relaxation

All in all, walking is a pleasure so how can I forget to walk?  I am not exactly sure on that but know it will be rectified immediately.   Getting my camera and Little Dog …. we are off!


“God enters by a private door into every individual.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

My door springs wide open when I walk through the amazing world that surrounds me.