A Sea of Knowledge and Creativity – Pinterest

Pinterest, knowledge,

Whoever thought up Pinterest surely hit the mother lode. Pinterest is an idea catalogue, informational resource, and a nice walk down memory lane.  One can enjoy the web search efforts of others to enhance whatever genre they are interested.  From fashion, recipes, crafts, humor, vintage toys and lunch boxes, school work,  history right on to the strange postmortem photography and on and on. Find whatever interests you and be linked to specific sites containing in depth information on your specific topic. Pinterest is like a huge search engine for the those seeking more knowledge,  just the curious seeking entertainment or perhaps a sales person seeking a venue.  Things you have not seen or thought of in years will pop up somewhere on Pinterest for great nostalgia.  Regardless of your interest, Pinterest will have something to offer on just about every topic. 

The vintage toys and lunch boxes have certainly been my favorite.  To actually vintage, Barbie doll, lunchbox, nostalgiafind the Barbie lunchbox I had when I was a kid was amazing.  I could smell the sandwiches my mother packed for me and the soup in the thermos during those cold winters. So many of the things from the past that I thought had been lost were now found.  Still looking for the Lone Ranger gun ring that came in cereal boxes.  I’m sure I’ll come across it yet.

Saving all these posts on my Pinterest account spares me the difficulty of saving them all in my attic.  I really do not want the stuff but do want the warm fuzzy memories they evoke.  vintage, doll, nostalgia, sleepy babyThe dolls I once stored in the attic have deteriorated and broken down over the years.  Very sad but now I am looking for pictures to keep them in memory.  Such as this Sleepy Doll my grandmother got me.  Easy, tidy, and so much fun.  No longer the worry about them deteriorating.

vintage, Barbie doll, lunchbox, nostalgiaFinding the original CandyLand board was a nice find, as it is so very different than the one now.  In fact, the board has been changed more than once since the original which I played on.  Other game boards have suffered the same fate but beginning to locate them as well.  In fact, I’ve found many games that no longer exist but filled my childhood with hours of entertainment.

All you have to do is go to the section Explore and this list of topics pops up:

Today’s picks
Women’s style
Men’s style
Holiday & party
Once you click on something you are off on a great adventure.  You will find people with your same interests.  Follow them and message them to learn more.  The science section is amazing.  That is where I found Weather which linked me through to some great informational sites.  You can learn how tornadoes form or hurricanes function.  Amazing cloud formation photos you will not believe.  This is great when talking with the grandkids that ask questions.  History is another section that got me learning.  When I was a kid, I cared little about history.  Now that I’m older, history is very intriguing to me. I’ve spent hours just reading through all sorts of information I have found on Pinterest and been linked to.  Yes, I have even looked through the postmortem pictures and information.  Why?  Trying to understand why people would  do something so macabre.  An insight to understanding cultures in our past. There are many resources for home schooling.  There are many fantastic things to do at home to prepare children for the classroom giving them a edge on what is to come.  It’s all to help us be informed, inspired, and creative.
As a source for craftwork, there is no end.  Specifically, I look for craft painting and crochet projects.  This is how I found my sea turtle rug pattern, huge ice cream cone patter, dragon scarf, minion hats and many more.  Later this week, I shall be finishing up my terra cotta pot dog treat jars.  Also, a really cute small terra cotta pot pin cushion for sewing in on the agenda for future projects.  Of course, a great resource on how to decorate my Victorian Dollhouse. DIY, Victorian, dollhouse, decorate, woodwork, craftwork, crafting Tell me this link is not an incentive for creativity.  A source to get the juices flowing and open up any blocks with suggestions and ideas.  Many things on the fire but find many resources to accomplish these tasks on Pinterest.
Send your imagination and intellect on an adventure. Use it for a search engine. I have not even scratched the surface of Pinterest.  I leave the further explorations to you.   If you haven’t tried Pinterest, please do, as it will not disappoint.
“Make the most of yourself….for that is all there is of you.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I strive to be the very best me I can be.