Photographing False Spring and New Craft Ideas

The weather has been so beautiful here.  Very warm with days up to the 80’s.  Best part is none of the the nasty humidity.  These days are pure heaven. They occur every year and save my soul in January which, for me, is a very long month waiting for the days to grow longer and temperatures to permanently resume 95 and rising.

Proof Azaleas Blooming Jan/Feb 2017

My hands and feet actually stay warm during these periods.  No battle of sock layers, hooded sweatshirt, T-shirt, tank top, and a scarf around my neck.   This is while I’m inside.   Forget outside when it is cold.  People think I’m crazy….no I’m just freezing.  How did I ever survive back home Western Massachusetts.  Present residence is in SE Georgia with a palm tree in my backyard.  If I trip, I fall into Florida.  It does get cold down here just no ice, snow, or sub zero temperatures.  Never gets cold enough to kill the nasty gnats or fleas though.

So, when yesterday was so amazingly wonderful I took full advantage. With the doors and windows open to give the house a good airing, I just had to go out and enjoy the full effect.  Aaaaaah, spring has sprung and I had to get partake.  Donning my shorts and T-shirt, slipping on my flippy flops, grabbing my camera, I struck out on a mission.  A venture to verify spring.  Not only were the azaleas out doing themselves but the spirea decided it wanted to give it a go as well.  There I am snapping away pictures and WOW!

Notice the tiny little bee and it’s Feb 8, 2017

A cute little bee bustling around grabbing pollen from the flowers. Incredible!  This also explained why Little Dog has aggravated symptoms of his allergies with sneezing, runny nose, and doggie boogers flying everywhere…YUCK. Never heard of dogs having allergies like he does but he does!

Not looking till I see the “Cheese” you keep talking about!


Have work to do though.  Went back inside to buckle down to business.  Grabbed my Nook and slipped off to my new office, aka crafting room.  Got out my collection of burnt-out lightbulbs and turned on YouTube.

Today’s adventure will be learning how to gut a bulb!  The reason for this is , not only making hot air balloons from light bulbs,  to make mini terrariums.  The first step is to get the bulbs ready.

I must have been told something when I was a kid because I totally expected the bulb to explode the second I touched it with my pliers.  Admittedly I was quite anxious but the show must go on.  This is why I love YouTube.  Following this instructor  every step and very slowly, I realized no such thing was going to happen.  Yes, I needed to hold the bulb in a certain matter as not to crush it but doing this was possible and no explosions occurred.   Successfully 7 bulbs were gutted without a negative event.   It did pop when the vacuum was broken.  The pop actually sounded no more than a mild snap.   I had a blast!!!

Being finished with the bulbs, crafting continued with my favorite…painting on ceramic.  Forgot to get up and eat dinner…oops.  I went to sleep last night well satisfied and accomplished.

What a shock this morning at 4:45 a.m. when I let Little Dog out to do his romp.  Thirty degrees on my back porch thermometer.  Thirty degrees!  What the dickens…Noooooooo!

“Follow the quiet voice within you that is telling you where to go.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I never stop learning but listen to my questions and seek the answers in order to grow.